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I grow up watching you, following you. the years goes by and i grow up the more i understand why i like you, till the day i realized that what i feel for you is love. i love you because your the mirror of my life from when i was young until i grew up, you mirror everything about school, about love, about life, about death, about dreams, and about reality. you let me see different types of spices in life it may be good, bad, happiness, sadness, craziness, everything. thats why i love you anime not just for what you are but i love you for who you are. cause anime your the mirror of my life.
Jane Hazel Molawan
Country: Philippines
Anime Mirror of Life

I grow up watching you, following you. the years goes by and i grow up the more i understand why i like you, till the day i realized that what i feel for you is love. i love you because your the mirror of my life from when i was young until i grew up, you mirror everything about school, about love, about life, about death, about dreams, and about reality. you let me see different types of spices in life it may be good, bad, happiness, sadness, craziness, everything. thats why i love you anime not just for what you are but i love you for who you are. cause anime your the mirror of my life.