My Wife Has No Emotion
Genre: Comedy, RomanceTakuma, a corporate slave salaryman, lives with Mina, an emotionless housekeeping robot who cooks for him. The "newly-wed" life between this seemingly mismatched couple begins!
Premiering 29 June, SAT 23:30 [GMT+8]
Encore on SUN, 17:30 [GMT+8]
Recap & New Eps SATs, 23:00 [GMT+8]
Encores on SUNs, 17:00 [GMT+8]
©2024 Jiro Sugiura/KADOKAWA/“My Wife Has No Emotion”PARTNERS
A corporate slave salaryman living alone. He purchased Mina from a second-hand store. Initially, he thought of her as just an appliance, but he comes to see her as an irreplaceable partner as time goes.
Takuma's wife, a housekeeping robot specialized only in cooking and dishwashing. Product name: Mina CL. She was supposed to act according to her program, unable to change her expressions, but…
Jiro Sugiura
Animation Studio
Tezuka Productions
Fumihiro Yoshimura
Series Composition
Hirota Mitsutaka
Artists Voice
Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Takuma Kosugi
Konomi Inagaki as Mina
Artists Opening
"Okaerinasai (おかえりなさい)" by Sora Tokino (ときのそら)
Artists Ending
"Wave" by Miisha Shimizu (清水美依紗)