Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms
Genre: Action, Sci-fiHikaru meets Alma, a "Mecha-Ude" who has no memory and fails to merge with him. Two organizations are after Alma as Hikaru gets embroiled in a major incident with other Mecha-Ude users…
Premiering 4 October, FRI 00:30 [GMT+8]
Encore on FRI, 18:30 [GMT+8]
Recap & New Eps FRIs, 00:00 [GMT+8]
Encores on FRIs, 18:00 [GMT+8]
©TriF/Mecha-Ude Production Committee
A middle school kid who lives in Kita-Kagami City where the story takes place. One day, he coincidentally awakens the Mecha-Ude Alma who was trapped in a cube and their bizarre living situation begins.
After being awakened by Hikaru, he tries to combine with him, but fails and ends up getting stuck to the hoodie Hikaru was wearing instead. He doesn't have any memories prior to being sealed away.
A girl who is a Mecha-Ude user called the "Iron Twin-Arm Host" and belongs to the organization known as ARMS. She is after the mysterious worm-type Mecha-Ude user that killed her family.
Animation Studio
TriF Studio
Series Composition
Yasuhiro Nakanishi
Artists Voice
Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Hikaru Amatsuga
Tomokazu Sugita as Alma
Aki Murasame as Yu Shimamura
Artists Opening
"VORTEX" by Setsuko (Kuhaku Gokko)
Artists Ending
"karma" by Setsuko (Kuhaku Gokko)