CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress Season 2
Genre: Fantasy, GameEpisodes: 13
Rated: Rated PG
One day, Yu-yu Kondo is invited by Megumi Okura to a night amusement park called "Wonder Hill". There, he is drawn in by the world of Vanguard and the friends he will encounter.
©VANGUARD overDress Character Design ©2021 CLAMP・ST

A third-year middle school student living in Kanazawa City. He first meets his friends the night amusement park and gets drawn into Vanguard Fights. He is considerate and has a hard time saying "no".

The leader of Team Blackout. He is a legendary fighter boasting a record of 19 consecutive wins in official matches. Whether he is joking or serious is hard to tell, making him an enigmatic figure.

A formidable fighter with an astonishing win rate. Fueled by the determination to defeat Danji, he sees him as a goal to surpass and visits the night amusement park with Masanori.

A member of Team Blackout. She admires Momoyama Danji and calls him big brother. She appears at the night amusement park in a boyish appearance.
Original Author
Akira Ito
Takaaki Kidani
Animation Studio
Kinema Citrus
Satoshi Mori
Series Composition
Satoshi Mori
Natsuko Takahashi
Artists Voice
Shota Aoi as Yu-yu Kondo
Yuki Ono as Danji Momoyama
Yuma Uchida as Tohya Ebata
Amane Shindo as Megumi Okura
Artists Opening
"START" by Strawberry Prince
Artists Ending
"Fateful... " by Morƒonica