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Tsurune #6 Preview

Synopsis and stills revealed

25 Nov 2018

Check out the synopsis and stills for Tsurune #6: “Reason to Shoot”.

At archery powerhouse Kirisaki High School, there is an archer known as “the young noble”, Shu Fujiwara. This first year freshman with a unique style of shooting defeats his confident upperclassmen easily. And that does not look like it will change for the match to select members for the prefectural competition qualifying round…

Tsurune airs/streams SUNs 02:00 [01:00 id/th] on ANIPLUS Asia in Southeast Asia.

Encore broadcasts include MONs 23:00 [22:00], THUs 18:00 [17:00] and FRIs 22:30 [21:30].

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(C)Kotoko Ayano, Kyoto Animation / Tsurune Committee

Tags : 2018_Fall Oct2018 simulcast Tsurune