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Tsurune #13 Preview

Synopsis and stills revealed

20 Jan 2019

Check out the synopsis and stills for Tsurune #13: “Irreplaceable”.

Every encounter began with that “Tsurune”.

The bonds between the five boys of the now “revitalized” Kazemai High School Archery Club have deepened after they struggled to overcome the obstacle that stood before them. Spring has passed, and now into the greenery of Summer. The team has finally reached the finals of the prefectural tournament. What future awaits the boys who have met and grown together through Archery?…

Tsurune airs/streams SUNs 02:00 [01:00 id/th] on ANIPLUS Asia in Southeast Asia.

Encore broadcasts include MONs 23:00 [22:00], THUs 18:00 [17:00] and FRIs 22:30 [21:30].

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(C)Kotoko Ayano, Kyoto Animation / Tsurune Committee

Tags : 2018_Fall Oct2018 simulcast Tsurune