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Anime for me is a life teaching experince like i wrote in my tittle which is true. every anime has moral value inside them. no only we watch for fun but sometimes we get one or two things and maybe more along with it. all teach the same thing which life , loving, caring, friendship, and respect one example is i can give is Dragonball . it my very first anime . by watching that i learn no matter how hard your would be . always think positive. respect your family and friends , protect what it right,and protect what you care about. not only that. i also learn that no matter how bad a person is there always good in everyone deep inside their heart . that is why i want to be like goku always think free so the conclusion is anime is and can be part of our life. it teaches all the thing we need for life . not one but all anime. so for those who love anime ., keep loving them, you never ever to old for anime . it us for also for our next generation peace!
Adam David
Country: Malaysia
anime is life teaching experince

Anime for me is a life teaching experince like i wrote in my tittle which is true. every anime has moral value inside them. no only we watch for fun but sometimes we get one or two things and maybe more along with it. all teach the same thing which life , loving, caring, friendship, and respect one example is i can give is Dragonball . it my very first anime . by watching that i learn no matter how hard your would be . always think positive. respect your family and friends , protect what it right,and protect what you care about. not only that. i also learn that no matter how bad a person is there always good in everyone deep inside their heart . that is why i want to be like goku always think free so the conclusion is anime is and can be part of our life. it teaches all the thing we need for life . not one but all anime. so for those who love anime ., keep loving them, you never ever to old for anime . it us for also for our next generation peace!