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Joan Casey
Country: Philippines
Anime In My Life. It is what keeps me SANE. 

Hello! I apologize for the confusion. Kindly delete the other one. Im from Philippines.    I made this especially for Aniplus Anime In My Life contest. Its exactly 3 minutes. I really want to share my story and because Anime is what defined me as a person for 21 years of my existence.    Also because I really really want to win the prizes (PS4 & XBOX) especially the Grand Prize of attending Anime Festival Asia in Singapore! If I win it will be my first time to go to another country. Would be a really big deal for me. Because it will be a big part of my Anime story. I really hope you will enjoy this. :)     Thank you very much!   Arigatou Gozaimas!   In my country, Maraming Salamat! :D