Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister
Genre: Comedy, RomanceUryu Kamihate, an orphan studying to enter medical school, is invited to stay at Amagami Shrine in Kyoto, under the condition to marry one of the Amagami sisters and inherit the shrine!?
Premiering 1 October, TUE 23:30 [GMT+8]
Encore on WED, 17:30 [GMT+8]
Recap & New Eps TUEs, 23:00 [GMT+8]
Encores on WEDs, 17:00 [GMT+8]
© Marcey Naito,KODANSHA/“Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister” Production Committee.
A high school student excelling in academics aiming for Kyoto University. Raised in a children's welfare facility, he is taken in by the head priest of the shrine "Amagami Shrine" in Kyoto.
The easygoing and relaxed eldest sister. She tries to act like a big sister, but would run to Asahi for comfort, revealing her childlike side. While carefree, she is talented in the arts and martial arts.
The serious and stubborn second sister. She has a strong sense of responsibility and says harsh things at times, but she cares more about her sisters and the shrine than anyone.
The cute devilish youngest sister. A middle schooler, she is full of playful mischief, teasing Uryu, but she also shows adorable, age-appropriate traits. She is a member of the track and field club.
Marcey Naito
Animation Studio
Yujiro Abe
Series Composition
Yasuko Aoki
Artists Voice
Ryota Suzuki as Uryu Kamihate
Sumire Uesaka as Yae Amagami
Kaede Hondo as Yuna Amagami
Shion Wakayama as Asahi Amagami
Artists Opening
"Yawaku Koishite ~Zutto Bokura de Iraremasu You ni~" by Momoiro Clover Z
Artists Ending
"Kimi ni Koi wo Musunde" by Yae Amagami (CV: Sumire Uesaka), Yuna Amagami (CV: Kaede Hondo), Asahi Amagami (CV: Shion Wakayama)